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Rules of Play

At Kingdom of Chaos we have worked very hard to bring you a safe, fun and stimulating environment for you and your children. Unfortunately, where children are involved, there are always risks.


We have of course taken every reasonable step to ensure all risks are kept to a minimum. However,
it is impossible to eliminate such risks completely and parents/guardians are asked to read and abide
by the following rules:


• Parents/adult guardians must supervise children visiting Kingdom of Chaos at all times.


• Do not use the equipment if you have a pre-existing injury or condition.


• Our staff are here to monitor use of the equipment and ensure our “Rules of Play’ are being adhered to. It is your responsibility to supervise your children.

• Kingdom of Chaos reserves the right to remove any adult or child from the centre if they are rude, aggressive verbally or physically, or continually disobey or ignore instruction from our staff.  A three warning system applies.


• Children who are unwell should not use the play frames, inflatable assault course or electric cars .

• Age restrictions are in force for the safety of all children and our staff will enforce it.


• For health, safety and hygiene reasons, children and adults must wear socks or tights on the inflatable assault course and on the play frame in the baby & toddler room.


• Customers are NOT permitted to consume their own food or drink on the premises for ANY reason.

• No food, drinks, sweets or chewing gum are to be taken into the inflatable or play frame.


• Cameras can be used at Kingdom of Chaos, however, we ask you to be mindful of other customers and their privacy.   Photos may only be taken of your children and their guests.


• Smoking, including vaping is not permitted at Kingdom of Chaos. 


• Pens, buckles, jewellery, watches, money, phones, sharp objects etc must not be taken into the play frame or inflatable assault course by children or adults.

• Personal items must be left with parents/guardians.  We cannot accept any responsibility for theft or loss of such items whilst on the premises. 

• Your play session may be restricted to 3 hours during busy periods. We respectively ask that you arrive and leave promptly.

• In the event of an emergency, staff will evacuate the play areas.  Adults must refrain from entering the play frames in this circumstance.  All customers are expected to exit the building immediately.

• We abide by the legal requirements for checking the backgrounds of adults working with children and operate a comprehensive security policy.


• Entry / exit is via a security gate system. We back this up by CCTV monitoring of key areas within the play centre.

Electric Children's Cars Rules of Play

• Please queue for the cars outside and off the track, as per instruction from our staff.

• Do not enter the track until instructed by a member of our staff.


• Children must be supervised by an adult or guardian.

• Under 5s should be accompanied by an adult on the ride.


• Adults and children must wear shoes when using the cars.

• Do not ram other cars.  These are not bumper cars.


• All riders must travel in one direction.


• Keep arms and legs inside the go karts at all times.


• No loose clothing may be worn on the cars.


• Children must be securely seated before the ride commences, and listen carefully to our staff.


• Upon instruction from our staff, press the foot pedal to start.

• To stop the car, remove your foot off the pedal.


• Do not walk or run on the track whilst the cars are in motion.


• Do not attempt to jump on or off the car whilst it’s in motion.

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